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Weird Facts about ReaLemon®

  • Company founder Irvin Swartzberg combined the words real and lemon, and capitalized the shared letter l to form the clever hybrid ReaLemon.
  • Irvin Swartzberg founded the Puritan-ReaLemon Company in Chicago and began developing lemon juice products in 1934.
  • Swartzberg’s highly-perishable products varied in strength and flavor because the lemons were not of uniform quality.
  • In the early 1940s, after years of experimentation, Swartzberg produced a bottled lemon juice that was always consistent in flavor and strength by concentrating the juice of fresh lemons and then adding water. He also enhanced his product with filtration and preservation processes.
  • Three to four tablespoons ReaLemon equal the juice of one lemon.
  • Cutting down on sodium? Use ReaLemon instead of salt on vegetables, fish, chicken, pasta, or rice.
  • ReaLemon is the best-selling lemon juice in the United States and the only nationally distributed brand of bottled lemon juice.
Copyright © 1995- Joey Green. “ReaLemon” is a registered trademark of Dr Pepper Snapple Group.
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