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Wacky Uses for Vaseline® Petroleum Jelly

  1. Lure trout. Coat small pieces of sponge with Vaseline Petroleum Jelly to simulate fish egg bait.
  2. Prevent car battery corrosion. Smear Vaseline Petroleum Jelly on clean car battery terminals.
  3. Repair stains, rings, and minor scratches in wood furniture. Cover each scratch with a liberal coat of Vaseline Petroleum Jelly, let sit for 24 hours, rub into wood, wipe away excess, and polish as usual.
  4. Remove chewing gum from hair. Apply Vaseline Petroleum Jelly and work into the hair until the gum slides off.
  5. Stop a faucet from screeching. Remove the handle and stem, and coat both sets of metal threads with Vaseline Petroleum Jelly.
  6. Lubricate roller skate and skateboard wheels. Smear Vaseline Petroleum Jelly around the cylinders on the wheels so they roll faster.
  7. Remove a ring stuck on a finger. Coat finger with Vaseline Petroleum Jelly and slide the ring off.
  8. Moisturize your face. Wash your face thoroughly and, while still wet, rub in a small dab of Vaseline Petroleum Jelly. Keep wetting face until the Vaseline Petroleum Jelly is spread evenly and does not appear greasy. Health spas use this secret treatment.
  9. Revive dried leather. Vaseline Petroleum Jelly, rubbed into a baseball glove, softens the leather.
  10. Prevent rust on outdoor machinery. Apply a generous coat of Vaseline Petroleum Jelly.
  11. Avoid splattered paint on windows, metal work, and floors. Before painting a room, dip a Q-tips Cotton Swab in Vaseline Petroleum Jelly and run it around the edges of the glass; coat door hinges, doorknobs, lock latches; and spread a thin coat of Vaseline Petroleum Jelly along a linoleum or tile floor (obviously not carpet) where it meets the wall. Paint smears will wipe off with a cloth.
  12. Remove make-up. Vaseline Petroleum Jelly takes off mascara, eye-liner, lipstick, rouge, and powders.
  13. Prevent the cap from sticking shut on nail polish bottles. Put a thin coat of Vaseline Petroleum Jelly around the rim of the bottle.
  14. Keep shower curtains sliding easily. Apply a thin coat of Vaseline Petroleum Jelly to the curtain rod.
  15. Prevent a sailboat's spinnaker pole fittings from jamming or sticking. Lubricate with Vaseline Petroleum Jelly.
  16. Help prevent diaper rash. Apply a thin coat of Vaseline Petroleum Jelly to a baby's clean bottom before putting a fresh diaper on the tyke.
  17. Prevent outdoor light bulbs from sticking in fixtures. To make removal easy, rub a thin coat of Vaseline Petroleum Jelly on the threads before inserting the bulbs.
  18. Heal chapped lips. Apply a little Vaseline Petroleum Jelly to the lips before going outdoors and again before going to bed.
  19. Remove lipstick stains from linen napkins. Apply Vaseline Petroleum Jelly before washing.
  20. Prevent hair-coloring from dying your skin. Rub Vaseline Petroleum Jelly along hairline before coloring your hair.
  21. Protect skin from wind burn and chapping. Apply a thin coat of Vaseline Petroleum Jelly.
  22. Stop refrigerator racks from sticking. Coat the edges of the racks with Vaseline Petroleum Jelly so the racks glide easily.
  23. Discourage candle wax from sticking to candle holders. Coat the insides of candle holders with Vaseline Petroleum Jelly so wax slides out.
  24. Keep shampoo from getting in a baby's eyes. Rub a line of Vaseline Petroleum Jelly above the eyebrows so shampoo runs off to the side.
  25. Shine leather shoes. Rub Vaseline Petroleum Jelly over the leather and wipe off the excess with a towel.
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