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15 Wacky Uses for Pledge® Furniture Polish

Pledge Shoe
  1. Keep ski goggles from fogging up. Spray the inside of the lens with Pledge, then wipe clean.
  2. Polish leather shoes. Spray Pledge on shoes and shine with a cloth.
  3. Oil a squeaky door. Lubricate the hinges with Pledge.
  4. Prevent stains on kitchen drain boards. Coat rubber drain board trays with a light coat of Pledge.
  5. Spruce up a car. Safe for use on vinyl, leather, wood paneling, stainless steel, and chrome, Pledge can be used to clean your car inside and out. Spray the furniture onto the surface from eight inches away and buff with a chamois.
  6. Sweep up dust and dirt with ease. Spray the bristles of your broom or mop with Pledge before sweeping.
  7. Prevent water spots and soap scum on shower walls. Coat the tile walls with Pledge and wipe clean.
  8. Make cleaning grease splatters on the wall behind the stove easier. Spray the clean, painted wall behind your stove with a generous coat of Pledge and buff well. Future grease spatters can be wiped away with a dry sheet of Bounty Paper Towel.
  9. Revitalize dull candles. Spray Pledge on a cloth and wipe the candles thoroughly.
  10. Clean brass. Use very fine steel wool sprayed with Pledge.
  11. Clean stainless steel. Spray Pledge on a cloth and wipe stainless steel appliances for a brilliant shine that resists fingerprints.
  12. Remove water spots and soap scum from shower doors. Spray Pledge on a soft cloth and wipe down the glass doors to make water bead.
  13. Clean leather. Spray Pledge on a clean, soft cloth and wipe down your leather couch.
  14. Lubricate windows. Spray a light coat of Pledge furniture polish into the window track and buff with a cloth to make the surface just slippery enough to help the window glide open and closed smoothly.
  15. Clean granite and marble. Coat stone countertops with a light coat of Pledge and buff with a soft cloth.
Copyright © 1995- Joey Green. "Pledge' is a registered trademark of the S. C. Johnson & Son.
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