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13 Wacky Uses for Pampers® Diapers

  1. Give yourself a sponge bath. Saturate a Pampers disposable diaper with water (you’ll be amazed at how much liquid it holds), and use it to wipe down your body. During the Gulf War, U.S. Soldiers used disposable diapers (sent from home) to give themselves showers in the desert.
  2. Blot urine stains from a carpet or mattress. Place a Pampers disposable diaper over the stain, place several heavy books on top of the diaper to keep it pressed flat against the stain, and let sit for one hour. The absorbent diaper will soak up most of the urine.
  3. Improvise nursing pads. If you run out of nursing pads and cannot get to the store to buy more, use a Pampers disposable diaper as a nursing pad.
  4. Prevent water from evaporating rapidly from a vase. Use a pair of scissors to carefully cut open a Pampers disposable diaper. Pour the superabsorbent polymer flakes from the diaper into the vase and add water. The polymer flakes absorb three hundred times their weight in water, giving the vase a decorative look. Then add the flowers to the vase.
  5. Stop a wound from bleeding. Use a Pampers disposable diaper as a compress to stop a wound from bleeding profusely.
  6. Reduce how often you need to water your houseplants. Use a pair of scissors to carefully cut open a Pampers disposable diaper, and pot a houseplant by alternating potting soil with the superabsorbent polymer flakes from the diaper. The polymer flakes absorb three hundred times their weight in water and store nutrients.
  7. Simplify cleaning boat engine oil that has leaked into the engine pans. Unfold a Pampers disposable diaper in each pan, allowing the superabsorbent polymer flakes inside each diaper to absorb the spilled oil.
  8. Rehydrate. If you can’t rehydrate your skin by taking a shower or jumping into a swimming pool, saturate a Pampers disposable diaper with water (you’ll be amazed at how much liquid it holds), wipe down your body, and then wear it on your head to replenish your skin with moisture.
  9. Prolong the life of a Christmas tree. Cut open a Pampers Disposable Diaper, and place the superabsorbent polymer flakes from the core of the diaper into a one-gallon bowl. Pour two cups of water over the diaper crystals, let sit for five minutes. Add two more cups of water, let sit for five minutes, and repeat until the polymer flakes swell to the brim of the bowl. Pour the water-filled crystals in a Christmas tree stand with the tree already in place. The tree soaks up water from crystals, and since the water will not evaporate as quickly, you don’t have to add water as frequently.
  10. Grow tomato plants. Dig a hole, place an opened Pampers diaper—plastic-side down’at the bottom, cover it with some soil, and then plant a tomato plant over it. The diaper helps produce healthy tomato plants with minimal watering. The disposable diaper retains water.
  11. Help an incontinent dog stay dry. If you don’t wish to spend extra money on pet diapers, use a pair of scissors to cut a small opening for the pet’s tail about one inch below the waistline of the front of the diaper. Using masking tape, cover the edges of the cut opening to prevent seepage. Secure the disposable diaper on the pet backwards for a better fit.
  12. Protect a dog or cat in heat. Use a pair of scissors to cut a small opening for the pet’s tail about one inch below the waistline of the front of the diaper. Using masking tape, cover the edges of the cut opening to prevent leakage. Secure the disposable diaper on the pet backwards for a better fit.
  13. Reduce a fever. Saturate a Pampers disposable diaper with water (you’ll be amazed at how much liquid it holds), wipe down your body, and then place it over your forehead.
Copyright © 1995- Joey Green. "Pampers" is a registered trademark of Procter & Gamble.
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