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18 Wacky Uses for Kleenex® Tissues

Kleenex Jewelry
  1. Protect jewelry. Wrap delicate jewelry in one or more Kleenex Tissues for safekeeping in your jewelry box or in your luggage while traveling.
  2. Create shoulder pads for dresses or shirts. Fold a few Kleenex Tissues in quarters or eighths, tape in place with Scotch Tape, and place under your dress or shirt to create a shoulder pad.
  3. Enhance papier-mâché projects. Use Kleenex Tissues as the paper for your papier-mâché projects to achieve different textures.
  4. Fill a stuffed animal. Use Kleenex Tissues to make stuffed animals when sewing.
  5. Make a toy parachute. Tie a piece of string (or dental floss) to each of the four corners of a Kleenex Tissue and then secure the other ends of the string to a small weight or a toy soldier. Ball up the tissue and the weight and throw into the air.
  6. Identify your car in a parking lot. Attach a Kleenex Tissue to the aerial with a rubber band or string so you can easily find the paper flag blowing in the breeze.
  7. Improvise a coffee filter. Place three Kleenex Tissues in the coffee maker to filter the coffee.
  8. Shoo flies away from a screen door. Hang a Kleenex Tissue on a string on a screen door.
  9. Store crayons. A decorative Kleenex Tissue box, when empty, makes an excellent container for storing crayons.
  10. Protect china. Separate your good dishes by putting a Kleenex Tissue between each dish.
  11. Protect shirt and collars. Fold a Kleenex Tissue into a one–inch wide strip and place under the shirt or dress collar while on wire hangers.
  12. Set your hair in curlers. Use Kleenex Tissues to provide cushioning under hair curlers.
  13. Store hair curlers. A decorative Kleenex Tissue box, when empty, makes an excellent container for storing hair curlers.
  14. Improvise nursing pads. Nursing mothers can fold a Kleenex Tissue in quarters and secure it inside a bra as an impromptu absorbent pad.
  15. Line a birdcage. Use Kleenex Tissues on the bottom of a birdcage to catch foul matter.
  16. Hold mail and bills. A decorative Kleenex Tissue box, when empty, makes an excellent container for storing mail and bills.
  17. Protect valuables in packages to be mailed. Use Kleenex Tissues as filler to pack a box.
  18. Improvise panty liners. In a pinch, several folded Kleenex Tissues can be used as an impromptu panty liner.
Copyright © 1995- Joey Green. "Kleenex" is a registered trademark of Kimberly-Clark Worldwide, Inc.
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