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- Clean baked-on food from the inside of a casserole dish. Fill the dish with water, drop in two or three Efferdent denture cleansing tablets, and let sit overnight. In the morning, wipe clean with a sponge and rinse.
- Clean a toilet bowl. Drop two Efferdent tablets into the toilet, close the lid, and let it sit overnight. In the morning, brush and flush.
- Polish diamonds. Drop two Efferdent tablets in a glass of water and immerse diamonds for five to ten minutes.
- Clean tomato sauce stains from the insides of Tupperware and Rubbermaid containers. Fill the plastic containers with hot water, drop in two Efferdent tablets, and let sit overnight. In the morning, wash with soapy water, rinse clean, and dry.
- Clean the bathtub and disinfect it at the same time without having to scrub. Fill a sixteen-ounce trigger spray bottle with water, and drop in four Efferent tablets. When the water turns blue and the tablets fully dissolve, spray the solution on the inside surface of the bathtub. Let sit for fifteen minutes and rinse clean. The denture cleansing tablets dissolve the soap scum from the tub and kill germs and bacteria.
- Clean food stains from white linen table clothes, linen napkins, and cotton clothes. Dissolve two Efferdent denture cleansing tablets in one cup of warm water, and pour the fizzy blue mixture on the spot or stain. Let sit for fifteen minutes, and then launder as usual.
- Clean the inside of a plastic sports bottle. Fill the bottle with water, drop in two Efferdent tablets, wait ten minutes, and then rinse clean. The non-toxic denture cleanser leaves the bottle sparkling clean.
- Clean yellow stains from the coat of a white horse. Dissolve two Efferdent tablets in a glass of water, and use the solution to scrub off the discoloration.
- Clean scorch marks from inside a pot or pan. Fill the cookware with water, drop in two to three Efferdent denture cleansing tablets, and let sit overnight. In the morning, wash with soapy water, rinse, and dry.
- Sanitize a toothbrush. Fill a glass with water, drop in two Efferdent tablets, and let toothbrushes sit in the solution overnight. Then rinse clean.
- Clean yellow stains from the underarms of white shirts. Drop two Efferdent tablets in a glass of water, wait until the bubbling stops, then pour the liquid over the stain. Let sit for five minutes, then launder as usual.
- Clear a clogged drain. Dissolve four Efferdent tablets in two cups of water, and pour the blue solution into the clogged drain, and let sit overnight. The denture cleansing tablets loosen the sludge in the trap.
- Clean the mineral deposits the heating element inside a teakettle. Fill the kettle with enough water to cover the heating element, drop in four Efferdent tablets, and let sit overnight. In the morning, scrub with a bottle brush and rinse clean with hot water.
- Clean a Thermos bottle. Fill the bottle with water, drop in three Efferdent tablets, and let it soak for an hour or longer if necessary.
- Clean coffee or tea stains from inside a mug or china tea cup. Fill the mug or cup with water, drop one Efferdent denture cleansing tablet, and let sit overnight. In the morning, rinse clean.
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Copyright © 1995- Joey Green. "Efferdent" is a registered trademark of Warner-Lambert.