- Label golf, tennis, and squash balls. Paint a small mark with Cover Girl Red Nail Polish so you can easily identify sports equipment.
- Adjust the water in the bath or shower effortlessly. Turn on the bathtub or shower faucets at the temperature you prefer, then mark the faucet(s) and the wall with a dot of Cover Girl Red Nail Polish so they can be aligned immediately every time you bathe or shower.
- Make the raised gradation marks on plastic baby bottles clearly visible. Paint the gradation marks with Cover Girl Red Nail Polish.
- Label children's toys. Simply paint your child's name on the bottom of his or her favorite toys with Cover Girl Red Nail Polish so they won't get lost.
- Repaint faded gradation marks on measuring cups or measuring spoons. Carefully repaint the gradation marks with Cover Girl Red Nail Polish.
- Label poisons and medicines. Paint an X with Cover Girl Red Nail Polish on containers of poison and medicine bottles, and teach your children to never touch any bottle or box labeled with a red X.
- Avoid pulling drawers out too far. Use Cover Girl Red Nail Polish to paint lines on the top edges of the drawers to remind you how far the drawer can be pulled out safely so the drawers don’t tumble onto the floor.
- Label hot water faucets for younger children. Paint the tops of the hot water faucets with Cover Girl Red Nail Polish for your children's protection.
- Locate the arrows or markings on childproof caps easily. Paint the arrows or marking on childproof medicine bottles with Cover Girl Red Nail Polish so you can line them up easier.
- Thread a needle with ease. Dip the end of the thread into Cover Girl Red Nail Polish, let dry, and thread.
- Renew the worn out numbers and gradation marks on a ruler. Paint the indentations of the numbers and marks with Cover Girl Red Nail Polish, and wipe off the excess nail polish.
- Attract hummingbirds. Since hummingbirds are attracted to the color red, paint a design on the hummingbird feeder with Cover Girl Red Nail Polish.
- Label school supplies. Use red nail polish to mark your child’s name on his or her school supplies.
- Make screwdrivers easy to identify. Use Cover Girl Red Nail Polish to paint an X on the tops of the handles of your Phillips head screwdrivers and a minus sign on your slot screwdrivers.
- Seal an envelope. Use Cover Girl Red Nail Polish to seal a letter as you would with sealing wax.
- Teach your child to push the red button on the phone in an emergency. Paint a red dot with Cover Girl Red Nail Polish in the middle of the 0 on your telephone so young children can always call for help.
- Make a convenient ruler to measure the depth for planting bulbs or seeds in the garden. Use Cover Red Nail Polish to mark off inches along the edge of the spade on your garden trowel. You can also use the nail polish to calibrate feet on the handle of a rake, shovel, or hoe.
- Readjust your thermostat quickly. Paint a dot of Cover Girl Red Nail Polish to mark the temperature at which you usually set your thermostat.
- Remind yourself to turn off your calculator or camera flash attachment. Paint the off button with Cover Girl Red Nail Polish.
Copyright © 1995- Joey Green. "Cover Girl" is a registered trademark of Procter & Gamble.