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21 Wacky Uses for a
Conair® Blow Dryer

blow dry salad
  1. Dry salad greens. Set a Conair Blow Dryer on cool and dry wet leaves of lettuce.
  2. Dry steam off a fogged-up bathroom mirror. Simply use a Conair Blow Dryer to blow hot air at the mirror.
  3. Dry wet boots or sneakers. Insert the nozzle of a Conair Blow Dryer into the boot and use on a low setting for five minutes.
  4. Thaw frozen windows. Use a Conair Blow Dryer to thaw windows that are frozen shut.
  5. Remove crayon marks from wallpaper. Set a Conair Blow Dryer on hot until the wax heats up, then wipe clean with a paper towel.
  6. Do your dusting. Use a Conair Blow Dryer to blow cool air to clean dust off high shelves or out from under appliances, pleated lamp shades, carved furniture, crevices, and knick-knacks.
  7. Defrost frozen pipes. Set a Conair Blow Dryer on hot and aim at the pipes.
  8. Free a snapshot stuck in a magnetic photo album. Blow warm air from a Conair Blow Dryer underneath the plastic page.
  9. Remove Con-Tact paper. Set a Conair Blow Dryer on warm, work one section, and gently pull the edges.
  10. Remove candle wax from a table or counter top. Blow warm air an inch above the drips with a Conair Blow Dryer, then wipe away the wax with a paper towel.
  11. Set cake icing. Set a Conair Blow Dryer on warm and dry cake icing.
  12. Remove a bumper sticker. Blow it with a Conair Blow Dryer set on hot for a few minutes until the adhesive softens, then peel the bumper sticker off.
  13. Dry the inside of rubber gloves. Insert the nozzle of a Conair Blow Dryer and blow warm air.
  14. Dry panty hose. Hang the wet panty hose on the shower rod and use a Conair Blow Dryer to blow them dry.
  15. Defrost a jammed automatic ice maker. Hold a Conair Blow Dryer eight inches from the frozen mass of ice cubes until they melt apart.
  16. Remove an adhesive bandage. Blowing hot air with a Conair Blow Dryer at the bandage will soften the adhesive so you can easy off the bandage.
  17. Thaw the frozen lock on a car door. Before you call the locksmith, use a Conair Blow Dryer to thaw the frozen lock.
  18. Remove wrinkles from plastic tablecloths or shower curtains. Blow with a Conair Blow Dryer set on hot until the plastic softens.
  19. Determine which windows are leaking heat. Hold a lit candle just inside a window, while someone else goes outside with a Conair Blow Dryer and blows air along the frame. If the flame flickers, the window needs caulking.
  20. Dry joint compound. Use a Conair Blow Dryer to speed up the drying process.
  21. Warm cold bed sheets. Use a Conair Blow Dryer to make ice cold sheets toasty warm.
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