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39 Wacky Uses for

bounce mosquitoes

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  1. Repel mosquitoes.To repel mosquitoes, tie a sheet of Bounce through a belt loop or the plastic flap in the back of a baseball cap. Oleander, the fragrance in Bounce, repels insects. If one sheet of Bounce doesn’t work for you, fill your other belt loops with sheets of Bounce, turning yourself into a interesting fashion statement.
  2. Freshen the air in your car. Place a Bounce sheet in the sun visor of your car or under the seat, inside a seat pocket, behind a visor, or inside the glove compartment to freshen the air.
  3. Eliminate static electricity from your television screen. Since Bounce is designed to help eliminate static cling, wipe your television screen with a used sheet of Bounce to keep dust from resettling.
  4. Dissolve soap scum from shower doors. Clean with a used sheet of Bounce.
  5. Freshen the air in your home. Place an individual sheet of Bounce in a drawer or hang one in the closet.
  6. Remove hairspray from walls, mirrors, floors, or countertops. Dampen a sheet of Bounce with water and wipe the area affected by the hair spray, then wipe clean with a damp, clean cloth.
  7. Prevent thread from tangling. Run a threaded needle through a sheet of Bounce to eliminate the static cling on the thread before sewing.
  8. Deodorize your home. Putting a sheet of Bounce in the bag of your vacuum cleaner before vacuuming helps eliminate the musty smell in the house.
  9. Eliminate static cling from pantyhose. Rub a damp, used sheet of Bounce over the hose.
  10. Prevent a sleeping bag from getting musty. Before rolling up a sleeping bag for storage, place a sheet of Bounce inside the bag. When you unroll the bag next time, it will smell springtime fresh.
  11. Dust a car dashboard. Shine the dashboard with a clean, used sheet of Bounce. The anti-static elements in the Bounce will help repel dust from the dashboard.
  12. Prevent the soil from leaking out of a planter. Line the bottom of the planter with a used sheet of Bounce. The dryer sheet allows drainage—without breaking apart from the water.
  13. Repel mice and rats. Place sheets of Bounce in cracks and crevices. The oleander fragrance in Bounce repels rodents.

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