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18 Wacky Uses for Alberto VO5® Hair Spray

hair spray and wasp
  1. Immobilize flying insects. Spray Alberto VO5 Hair Spray on a flying insect to stiffen its wings, bringing the pest spiraling to the ground.
  2. Protect artwork. When sprayed on a chalk drawing, Alberto VO5 Hair Spray acts as a fixative, preventing artwork from fading.
  3. Remove ink stains from clothes, upholstery, carpet, vinyl, or skin. Spray Alberto VO5 Hair Spray on the affected area, and blot with a paper towel or soft cloth until the stain comes up. The acetone in Alberto VO5 Hair Spray removes indelible marker and ballpoint pen marks.
  4. Clean ink stains from a laminated surface. Spray the ink mark with Alberto VO5 Hair Spray and wipe clean. The acetone in hair spray removes permanent marker from a laminated surface. (Be sure to test the hair spray on an inconspicuous spot on the furniture to make sure the acetone doesn’t remove the paint or finish.)
  5. Kill plant lice on African violets. Spray Alberto VO5 Hair Spray into a plastic bag (not directly onto the plant), place the bag over the plant, secure shut with a twist tie, and let sit overnight.
  6. Protect the wooden handles of tools. Spray the wood with a thin coat of Alberto VO5 Hair Spray and let dry. The hair spray acts like shellac, preserving the wood.
  7. Thread a needle. Stiffen the end of the thread with Alberto VO5 Hair Spray so it can be easily poked through the eye of a needle.
  8. Laminate recipe cards. Spray with Alberto VO5 Hair Spray to give the cards a protective gloss.
  9. Stiffen ruffled curtains. Hold the fabric taut and spray with Alberto VO5 Hair Spray.
  10. Kill spiders. If spiders have invaded your home, spray the arachnids with a little Alberto VO5 Hair Spray. The fixative in the hair spray freezes them in their tracks (or webs—whatever the case may be).
  11. Preserve floral arrangements. Spray Alberto VO5 Hair Spray on baby’s breath, broom grass, and cattails to help preserve them. Hair Spray works like fixative, holding delicate buds and flowers in place.
  12. Make wrapping paper. Spray Alberto VO5 Hair Spray on the comics section from the Sunday paper to seal in the ink and give the paper a shiny gloss.
  13. Remove dry glue from bottles. Spray Alberto VO5 Hair Spray on the dry glue, wipe off, and wash the bottle in soapy water. The propanes, butanes, and acetones in Alberto VO5 Hair Spray dissolve glue.
  14. Freeze cockroaches in their tracks. Spray the insect with Alberto VO5 Hair Spray. The fixatives in the hair spray immobilize insects.
  15. Remove pet hair from furniture. Spray a tissue with Alberto VO5 Hair Spray and, while the tissue is sticky, pick up those shed hairs.
  16. Prevent runs in panty hose. Spray a light coat of Alberto VO5 Hair Spray on the legs of your nylon panty hose.
  17. Clean scuffmarks from shoes. Spray a little Alberto VO5 Hair Spray on the mark and rub forcefully with a towel or washcloth.
  18. Protect decorative copper or brass from tarnish. After polishing decorative copper or brass, spray with Alberto VO5 Hair Spray to add a protective coating.
Copyright © 1995- Joey Green. "Alberto VO5" is a registered trademark of Alberto-Culver USA, Inc.
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