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13 Wacky Uses for Alberto® VO5® Conditioning Hairdressing

  1. Prevent silver from tarnishing. Apply a thin coat of Alberto VO5 Conditioning Hairdressing with a soft cloth to clean, polished, dry silver candlesticks, picture frames, silver sets, and other decorative items. Wipe off excess leaving behind a very thin, virtually invisible, protective coating.
  2. Remove a ring stuck on a finger. Rub on a little Alberto VO5 Conditioning Hairdressing, then hold your hand up toward the ceiling to drain the blood from the area, and slide off the ring.
  3. Make cleaning up after painting or doing a messy auto grease job easy. Lightly coating your hands with Alberto VO5 Conditioning Hairdressing before painting or fixing the car, allows you to clean them off afterward without harsh solvents.
  4. Soften your feet. Before going to bed, coat your feet with Alberto VO5 Conditioning Hairdressing and put on a pair of socks.
  5. Prevent static electricity in your hair. Comb a dab of Alberto VO5 Conditioning Hairdressing through your hair.
  6. Remove makeup. A dab of Alberto VO5 Conditioning Hairdressing on a tissue or cotton ball gently removes makeup.
  7. Glitter your face for a holiday party. Rub in a little Alberto VO5 Conditioning Hairdressing onto your cheeks, then dust lightly with glitter.
  8. Remove an adhesive bandage painlessly. Rub in a little Alberto VO5 Conditioning Hairdressing into the bandage wings, wait a few minutes, then peel off.
  9. Make zippers glide easily. Rub a little Alberto VO5 Conditioning Hairdressing into the teeth of the zipper.
  10. Condition leather. If you're all out of mink oil, substitute Alberto VO5 Conditioning Hairdressing.
  11. Protect leather shoes and boots from winter salt and ice. Rub in Alberto VO5 Conditioning Hairdressing.
  12. Shine vinyl and patent leather shoes. Rub in a little Alberto VO5 Conditioning Hairdressing, then buff.
  13. Protect your dog or cat's paw pads. Rub in a little Alberto VO5 Conditioning Hairdressing before sending your pet outdoors
Copyright © 1995- Joey Green. “Alberto VO5” is a registered trademark of Alberto-Culver USA, Inc.
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